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    Tirane, ofrohet vend pune ne Agjensi Turistike

    Tirane, ofrohet vend pune ne Agjensi Turistike



    me orar te plote

    Fusha | Profili i punes

    Agjent shitje | Menaxhim shitje




    vetem me eksperience

    Albania Explorer kompani turisrike, meqender ne Tirane, kerkon te punesoje me orar te plote dhe/ose part-time,Specialiste Turizmi , qe te permbushe kriteret e meposhtme:

    1. Eksperience pune minnimi mbi 6-muaj ne Agjensi Turistike

    2. Eksperience ne krijim dhe menaxhim tetureve, paketave turistike etj.

    3. Gjuhe e huaj Anglisht e domosdoshme, dhe te tjerat perbejneavantazh

    4. Te zoteroje programin GDS eshte avantazh.

    Paga e negociushme ne varesi te eksperiences, dhe specializimeve, ne lidhje mekete fushe (fillon nga 65,000 lek/muaj neto).

    Personat e interesuar dhe qe permbushin kriteret te dergojne CV-te ne adresen eemailit:

    [email protected]

    Vetem personat e perzgjedhur do te kontaktohen.

    Albania Explorer is a leading Albanian & Balkan Tour Operator and DMC (Destination Management Company) providing full travel services which are but not only limited with tours, vacation packages, transfers, accomodations, team building programs, congresses, seminars and special events for many Albanian and international companies/institutions; organization of different scales/types of MICE events. Albania Explorer and provides full travel arrangements for tours, hotels, flights, car rentals, transfers, and tourism related other activities globally. We work with many different partners within Albania, region and international travel market to enrich our products quality and service, and we add new tour opportunities, hotels, packages, etc., to our database on a weekly and monthly basis. All bookings conducted through, and are confirmed for our customers in real time, or as soon as possible. If you are a customer, a tour provider, hotelier, or travel website and would like to find out how you can collaborate and work with, please feel free to fill in our Contact Us form.   


