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    Tirane, kerkohet Contract Management Specialist/Senior Specialist - Procurement Department

    Tirane, kerkohet Contract Management Specialist/Senior Specialist - Procurement Department



    me orar te plote

    Fusha | Profili i punes

    Ekonomist-Financier/eFinance-Specialist | Banke / SigurimeIT | TIK | Informatike Ekonomike




    vetem me eksperience

    Main Tasks

    To perform duties assigned in accordance with the Bank's internal regulations;
    To manage and facilitate end to end sourcing process; supplier identification, due diligence, manage tender process, SLA and contract preparation, performance measurement etc.
    To follow the contract management process.
    To prepare the tender documentation, evaluation matrices and award proposals to Procurement Committee.
    To prepare the Request for Proposals.
    To prepare the documentation, reports and approvals to Procurement Committee.
    To maintain the documentation of performed purchases under the relevant classification of items.
    To evaluate rigorously and carefully the tender documents.
    To keep records about all companies as per service offered.
    To prepare periodical reports.
    To take part in the sales of movable assets when it is required.
    To perform other duties assigned by his superiors.

    Basic requirements:

    To be a university graduate (preferably Faculty of Economy, Business Administration or Law).
    At least 3 years of experience
    Skills Knowledge:

    Strong negotiation skills;
    Strong contract management background;
    Excellent problem-solving skills;
    Strong attention to detail and ability to follow specific procedures and instructions;
    Proficient in English;
    Ability to work across departments and categories;
    Contract and SLA preparation experience;
    To be strictly reserved on information related to tender processes.
    Interested candidates are encouraged to apply through the link
    or send their CV at [email protected]
    until 26.06.2024 by specifying the position they are applying for.

    This position is substitution of maternity leave



    Banka Kombëtare Tregtare,
    Bul."ZhanD'Ark" - Tiranë
    Tel. 281-554 | Fax.250956
    Instagram: bkt_banka kombetare
    Facebook: Banka Kombetare Tregtare