Tirane, ofroj vend pune part time Marketing Specialist
Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
5 Komuna Parisit | Kristal Center
part time
Fusha | Profili i punes
MarketingMarketing-online | Social Media | SEO
vetem me eksperience
At Helen Doron English we teach English naturally and joyfully in our learning centres around the world to students 3 months to 19 years old. Our programmes are customised to how children learn best, with a unique methodology backed by academic studies.
What we are looking for at Helen Doron English Lake Centre:
The ideal candidate will be responsible for creating marketing content and distributing it effectively. You will help us create a strong brand presence in Albania with innovative promotional offerings, online and offline marketing campaigns, and marketing events. You will collaborate with the team to ensure that your marketing efforts support our sales efforts. Finally, your analytical skills will assist you as your monitor and report on the success of your marketing efforts.
Strengthen our relationship with current clients and reach new clients
Plan and execute campaigns and events according to center plans
Create Adds and analyze the insights
Track, analyze and report the success of those campaigns and events
Create online and offline marketing content
Social media management
1-3 years' of marketing experience
BS/BA in Marketing or a related field of study
Excellent writing and communication skills
Helen Doron English (Komuna e Parisit)
Email: [email protected]
Contact: +355 69 526 3282
Nr. Njesia - Zona me e afert?
5 Komuna Parisit | Kristal Center
part time
Fusha | Profili i punes
MarketingMarketing-online | Social Media | SEO
vetem me eksperience
At Helen Doron English we teach English naturally and joyfully in our learning centres around the world to students 3 months to 19 years old. Our programmes are customised to how children learn best, with a unique methodology backed by academic studies.
What we are looking for at Helen Doron English Lake Centre:
The ideal candidate will be responsible for creating marketing content and distributing it effectively. You will help us create a strong brand presence in Albania with innovative promotional offerings, online and offline marketing campaigns, and marketing events. You will collaborate with the team to ensure that your marketing efforts support our sales efforts. Finally, your analytical skills will assist you as your monitor and report on the success of your marketing efforts.
Strengthen our relationship with current clients and reach new clients
Plan and execute campaigns and events according to center plans
Create Adds and analyze the insights
Track, analyze and report the success of those campaigns and events
Create online and offline marketing content
Social media management
1-3 years' of marketing experience
BS/BA in Marketing or a related field of study
Excellent writing and communication skills
Helen Doron English (Komuna e Parisit)
Email: [email protected]
Contact: +355 69 526 3282