Teknik Servisi
me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
vetem me eksperience
Infosoft Group, kerkon te punesoje:
Teknik ne Servis
Te njohe mire markat e PC dhe Notebook.
Te kryeje riparimet e tyre ne kohe
Diplome universitare – e preferueshme. Pranohen edhe kandidate me arsimim te mesem, por qe plotesojne kushtet e tjera.
Eksperience e meparshme pune ne riparimin e PC, Laptop, Tableta
Te kete njohuri te mira mbi pajisjet e Teknologjise se Informacionit
Te kete njohuri te mira te gjuhes angleze
Te kete aftesi te mira komunikuese
Te jete i disponueshem per te punuar jashte orarit.
Qualified candidates should submit the letter of interest, the updated CV and the copies of supporting documents including letters of reference, to the following email address: [email protected]
The personal information that you will submit through your application, will be protected and used only for recruiting purposes, according to the legislation for the protection of personal information, specifically according to the Constitution of the Republic of Albania and the Law (No. 9887, dated 10.03.2008) “For the Protection of Personal Information”.
Infosoft Group
Rr. Murat Toptani, Gjergji Center, Tiranë, Shqipëri
[email protected]
me orar te plote
Fusha | Profili i punes
vetem me eksperience
Infosoft Group, kerkon te punesoje:
Teknik ne Servis
Te njohe mire markat e PC dhe Notebook.
Te kryeje riparimet e tyre ne kohe
Diplome universitare – e preferueshme. Pranohen edhe kandidate me arsimim te mesem, por qe plotesojne kushtet e tjera.
Eksperience e meparshme pune ne riparimin e PC, Laptop, Tableta
Te kete njohuri te mira mbi pajisjet e Teknologjise se Informacionit
Te kete njohuri te mira te gjuhes angleze
Te kete aftesi te mira komunikuese
Te jete i disponueshem per te punuar jashte orarit.
Qualified candidates should submit the letter of interest, the updated CV and the copies of supporting documents including letters of reference, to the following email address: [email protected]
The personal information that you will submit through your application, will be protected and used only for recruiting purposes, according to the legislation for the protection of personal information, specifically according to the Constitution of the Republic of Albania and the Law (No. 9887, dated 10.03.2008) “For the Protection of Personal Information”.
Infosoft Group
Rr. Murat Toptani, Gjergji Center, Tiranë, Shqipëri
[email protected]