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    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Division Manager

    Tirane, ofroj vend pune Division Manager

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    Fusha | Profili i punes
    Menaxhim | Administrim Biznesi

    vetem me eksperience

    "NELT" sh.p.k Company part of "NELT Group", one of the leading distribution companies in the Western Balkans in the field of distribution, manages and distributes brands of some of the largest multinational and regional companies such as Beiersdorf, Mondelez, Muller, Sebamed etc
    With motivated employees and efficient processes, our company has a goal to become the leading supply chain organization in Albania.
    Nelt shpk is looking for a potential candidate to fill the vacancy for:
    Location: Tirana
    MAIN Responsibilities:
    Prepares annual plans, budgets and reports for the work of the division he/she manages
    Plan, organize and direct the distribution system of the division for which he/she is responsible
    Direct responsibility on P&L of the division.
    Ensures a high level of cooperation and communication with the most important customers and suppliers.
    Monitors market trends and sales results.
    Monitors marketing funds and controls application
    Controls accounts receivable
    Organizes and monitors the work of the sales team - productivity and efficiency, coverage, distribution parameters
    Monitors sales results, revenues and costs in the market with the aim of determining areas for corrections and improvements. Directs corrective activities with the aim of achieving the planned results
    Monitors the implementation of the action plans of the sector he manages, compliance with the strategy and suggests further directions with the aim of correction and improvement.
    Actively participates in top management meetings and making strategic decisions at the company level.
    Works on the development of team members with the aim of increasing competencies and training employees

    General Requirements:
    University Degree
    Previous work experience of at least 4-6 years on managerial positions in sales department in FMCG sector, preferably in a multinational organization
    Excellent knowledge of English
    Excellent computer skills (MS Office)
    Skills: Leadership mindset, financial acumen, Decision making, People development, Change management
    Responsible position in the growing international system
    Opportunity for professional development
    Excellent work conditions, private health insurance, annual bonus, etc.
    If you believe you are the right candidate, please attach your CV and submit your application until 27.01.2025.
    On the following address:
    HR Department [email protected]
    Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the interview.
    Nelt Sh.p.k
    “Dhaskal Todri”, Kashar, Tirana, Albania
    *Të gjitha aplikimet do të trajtohen me konfidencialitet të plotë nga Nelt shpk sipas ligjit Nr. 9887 vendosur nga Kuvendi i Shqipërisë për Mbrojtjen e të Dhënave Personale dhe do te perdoren vetem per qellime rekrutimi.

    Nelt Sh.p.k
    Rr. "Dhaskal Todri", Kashar, Tirane, Shqiperi
    Mail: [email protected]