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    Mundesi Investimi: Shitet: 2+1 💥(Shkolla e Kuqe - siper Pazarit te Ri) 147,875 Euro

    Mundesi Investimi: Shitet: 2+1 💥(Shkolla e Kuqe - siper Pazarit te Ri) 147,875 Euro

    Thread {#391
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/CustomField/DefinitionSet.php"
    line: "23 to 33"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/CustomField/DefinitionSet.php"
    line: "35 to 42"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/CustomField/DefinitionSet.php"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/CustomField/DefinitionSet.php"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1630 to 1630"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1640 to 1640"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1799 to 1812"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1816 to 1828"
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    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
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    3 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum"
    "XF\Entity\Thread" => array:4 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Entity\Thread"
    1 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Entity\Thread"
    2 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Entity\Thread"
    3 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread"
    "XF\Finder\Thread" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Finder\Thread"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\FindThreads" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Pub\Controller\FindThreads"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Forum" => array:4 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum"
    1 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum"
    2 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum"
    3 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" => array:4 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    1 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    2 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    3 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    "XF\Service\Thread\Editor" => array:3 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Service\Thread\Editor"
    1 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Service\Thread\Editor"
    2 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Service\Thread\Editor"
    "XF\Entity\User" => array:3 [
    0 => "DC\CompanyLogo\XF\Entity\User"
    1 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Entity\User"
    2 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Account" => array:2 [
    0 => "DC\CompanyLogo\XF\Pub\Controller\Account"
    1 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\Account"
    "XF\Admin\Controller\ThreadField" => array:2 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Admin\Controller\ThreadFi eld"
    1 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Admin\Controller\ThreadFie ld"
    "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" => array:2 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html"
    1 => "DC\ImageView\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html"
    "XF\CustomField\Set" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\CustomField\Set"
    "XF\Entity\ThreadField" => array:2 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Entity\ThreadField"
    1 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Entity\ThreadField"
    "XF\Service\Thread\Creator" => array:3 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Service\Thread\Creator"
    1 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Service\Thread\Creator"
    2 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Service\Thread\Creator"
    "XF\Entity\Attachment" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment"
    "XF\Entity\BookmarkItem" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\BookmarkItem"
    "XFRM\Pub\Controller\ResourceItem" => array:1 [
    0 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XFRM\Pub\Controller\ResourceIte m"
    "XF\Criteria\Page" => array:1 [
    0 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Criteria\Page"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\InlineMod" => array:1 [
    0 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\InlineMod "
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Login" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Pub\Controller\Login"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Logout" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Pub\Controller\Logout"
    "XF\Repository\Conversation" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Conversation"
    "XF\Repository\Forum" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Forum"
    "XF\Repository\Ip" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Ip"
    "XF\Repository\SessionActivity" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Repository\Thread" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Thread"
    "XF\Repository\UserAlert" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert"
    #extensionMap: array:68 [
    "XF\AddOn\Manager" => "XF\AddOn\Manager"
    "XF\Session\Session" => "XF\Session\Session"
    "XF\InputFilterer" => "XF\InputFilterer"
    "XF\Repository\User" => "XF\Repository\User"
    "XF\Entity\User" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User"
    "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth"
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption"
    "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => "XF\Entity\UserProfile"
    "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
    "XF\Language" => "XF\Language"
    "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" => "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher"
    "XF\Mvc\Router" => "XF301VB\Mvc\Router"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    "XF\Entity\Thread" => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread"
    "XF\Finder\Thread" => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Finder\Thread"
    "XF\Entity\Forum" => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum"
    "XF\Entity\Node" => "XF\Entity\Node"
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF\ControllerPlugin\Node" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\Node"
    "XF\ThreadType\Discussion" => "XF\ThreadType\Discussion"
    "XF\Repository\Thread" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Thread"
    "XF\ControllerPlugin\Thread" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\Thread"
    "XF\Str\Formatter" => "XF\Str\Formatter"
    "XF\Repository\Post" => "XF\Repository\Post"
    "XF\Entity\Post" => "XF\Entity\Post"
    "XF\Finder\Post" => "XF\Finder\Post"
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination"
    "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Repository\Attachment" => "XF\Repository\Attachment"
    "XF\Entity\Attachment" => "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment"
    "XF\Finder\Attachment" => "XF\Finder\Attachment"
    "XF\Entity\AttachmentData" => "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    "XF\Data\Robot" => "XF\Data\Robot"
    "XF\Repository\Unfurl" => "XF\Repository\Unfurl"
    "XF\Repository\UserAlert" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert"
    "XF\Repository\ThreadType" => "XF\Repository\ThreadType"
    "XF\ForumType\Discussion" => "XF\ForumType\Discussion"
    "XF\Repository\SessionActivity" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Style" => "XF\Style"
    "XF\Template\Templater" => "XF\Template\Templater"
    "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" => "XF\SubContainer\BbCode"
    "XF\SubContainer\Widget" => "XF\SubContainer\Widget"
    "DC\CompanyLogo\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "DC\CompanyLogo\Template\TemplaterSetup"
    "XF\CookieConsent" => "XF\CookieConsent"
    "XF\Captcha\ReCaptcha" => "XF\Captcha\ReCaptcha"
    "XF\Repository\Payment" => "XF\Repository\Payment"
    "XF\Payment\PayPal" => "XF\Payment\PayPal"
    "XF\SimpleCache" => "XF\SimpleCache"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Template\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Template\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Repository\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Repository\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Finder\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Finder\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    "XF\Entity\Template" => "XF\Entity\Template"
    "XF\Criteria\User" => "XF\Criteria\User"
    "XF\Criteria\Page" => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Criteria\Page"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Criteria\Position" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Criteria\Position"
    "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" => "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html"
    "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" => "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View"
    "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Thread" => "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Thread"
    "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Time" => "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Time"
    "XF\CustomField\Set" => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\CustomField\Set"
    "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" => "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet"
    "XF\Debugger" => "XF\Debugger"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Finder\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Finder\Thumbnail"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Repository\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Repository\Thumbnail"
    #inverseExtensionMap: array:68 [
    "XF\AddOn\Manager" => "XF\AddOn\Manager"
    "XF\Session\Session" => "XF\Session\Session"
    "XF\InputFilterer" => "XF\InputFilterer"
    "XF\Repository\User" => "XF\Repository\User"
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User" => "XF\Entity\User"
    "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth"
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption"
    "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => "XF\Entity\UserProfile"
    "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
    "XF\Language" => "XF\Language"
    "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" => "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher"
    "XF301VB\Mvc\Router" => "XF\Mvc\Router"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" => "XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread" => "XF\Entity\Thread"
    "DC\BumpThread\XF\Finder\Thread" => "XF\Finder\Thread"
    "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum" => "XF\Entity\Forum"
    "XF\Entity\Node" => "XF\Entity\Node"
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF\ControllerPlugin\Node" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\Node"
    "XF\ThreadType\Discussion" => "XF\ThreadType\Discussion"
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Thread" => "XF\Repository\Thread"
    "XF\ControllerPlugin\Thread" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\Thread"
    "XF\Str\Formatter" => "XF\Str\Formatter"
    "XF\Repository\Post" => "XF\Repository\Post"
    "XF\Entity\Post" => "XF\Entity\Post"
    "XF\Finder\Post" => "XF\Finder\Post"
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination"
    "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Repository\Attachment" => "XF\Repository\Attachment"
    "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment" => "XF\Entity\Attachment"
    "XF\Finder\Attachment" => "XF\Finder\Attachment"
    "XF\Entity\AttachmentData" => "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    "XF\Data\Robot" => "XF\Data\Robot"
    "XF\Repository\Unfurl" => "XF\Repository\Unfurl"
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert" => "XF\Repository\UserAlert"
    "XF\Repository\ThreadType" => "XF\Repository\ThreadType"
    "XF\ForumType\Discussion" => "XF\ForumType\Discussion"
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity" => "XF\Repository\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Style" => "XF\Style"
    "XF\Template\Templater" => "XF\Template\Templater"
    "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" => "XF\SubContainer\BbCode"
    "XF\SubContainer\Widget" => "XF\SubContainer\Widget"
    "DC\CompanyLogo\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "DC\CompanyLogo\Template\TemplaterSetup"
    "XF\CookieConsent" => "XF\CookieConsent"
    "XF\Captcha\ReCaptcha" => "XF\Captcha\ReCaptcha"
    "XF\Repository\Payment" => "XF\Repository\Payment"
    "XF\Payment\PayPal" => "XF\Payment\PayPal"
    "XF\SimpleCache" => "XF\SimpleCache"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Template\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Template\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Repository\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Repository\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Finder\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Finder\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    "XF\Entity\Template" => "XF\Entity\Template"
    "XF\Criteria\User" => "XF\Criteria\User"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Criteria\Page" => "XF\Criteria\Page"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Criteria\Position" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Criteria\Position"
    "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" => "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html"
    "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" => "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View"
    "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Thread" => "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Thread"
    "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Time" => "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Time"
    "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\CustomField\Set" => "XF\CustomField\Set"
    "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" => "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet"
    "XF\Debugger" => "XF\Debugger"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Finder\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Finder\Thumbnail"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Repository\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Repository\Thumbnail"
    #entityClassNameMap: array:18 [
    "XF:User" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User"
    "XF:UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth"
    "XF:UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption"
    "XF:UserProfile" => "XF\Entity\UserProfile"
    "XF:UserPrivacy" => "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
    "XF:Thread" => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread"
    "XF:Forum" => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum"
    "XF:Node" => "XF\Entity\Node"
    "XF:PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF:Post" => "XF\Entity\Post"
    "XF:PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination"
    "XF:SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity"
    "XF:Attachment" => "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment"
    "XF:AttachmentData" => "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    "Siropu\AdsManager:Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager:Package" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    "XF:Template" => "XF\Entity\Template"
    "DC\Thumbnail:Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail"
    #entities: array:15 [
    "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => array:1 [
    0 => UserAuth {#238
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#237
    +shortName: "XF:UserAuth"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_user_authenticate"
    +primaryKey: "user_id"
    +columns: array:3 [
    "user_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "scheme_class" => array:3 [ …3]
    "data" => array:2 [ …2]
    +relations: array:1 [
    "User" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: []
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: []
    +behaviors: array:1 [
    "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:2 [ …2]
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 1
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserAuth"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:1 [ …1]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => array:2 [
    0 => UserOption {#240
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#239
    +shortName: "XF:UserOption"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_user_option"
    +primaryKey: "user_id"
    +columns: array:14 [
    "user_id" => array:3 [ …3]
    "show_dob_year" => array:2 [ …2]
    "show_dob_date" => array:2 [ …2]
    "content_show_signature" => array:2 [ …2]
    "receive_admin_email" => array:2 [ …2]
    "email_on_conversation" => array:2 [ …2]
    "push_on_conversation" => array:2 [ …2]
    "is_discouraged" => array:2 [ …2]
    "creation_watch_state" => array:3 [ …3]
    "interaction_watch_state" => array:3 [ …3]
    "alert_optout" => array:4 [ …4]
    "push_optout" => array:4 [ …4]
    "use_tfa" => array:2 [ …2]
    "siropu_ads_manager_view_ads" => array:3 [ …3]
    +relations: array:3 [
    "AlertOptOut" => array:3 [ …3]
    "PushOptOut" => array:3 [ …3]
    "User" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: []
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: []
    +behaviors: array:1 [
    "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:1 [ …1]
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 2
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserOption"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:2 [ …2]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    126734 => UserOption {#411
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#239}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 13
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserOption"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:14 [ …14]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => array:2 [
    0 => UserProfile {#242
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#241
    +shortName: "XF:UserProfile"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_user_profile"
    +primaryKey: "user_id"
    +columns: array:17 [
    "user_id" => array:3 [ …3]
    "dob_day" => array:3 [ …3]
    "dob_month" => array:3 [ …3]
    "dob_year" => array:3 [ …3]
    "signature" => array:4 [ …4]
    "website" => array:4 [ …4]
    "location" => array:4 [ …4]
    "following" => array:4 [ …4]
    "ignored" => array:3 [ …3]
    "avatar_crop_x" => array:3 [ …3]
    "avatar_crop_y" => array:3 [ …3]
    "banner_date" => array:2 [ …2]
    "banner_position_y" => array:5 [ …5]
    "about" => array:4 [ …4]
    "custom_fields" => array:3 [ …3]
    "connected_accounts" => array:3 [ …3]
    "password_date" => array:3 [ …3]
    +relations: array:2 [
    "User" => array:4 [ …4]
    "CustomFields" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: array:3 [
    "age" => true
    "birthday" => true
    "custom_fields" => true
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: array:3 [
    "max_long_string_length" => "15000"
    "location_required" => false
    "admin_edit" => false
    +behaviors: array:2 [
    "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:1 [ …1]
    "XF:CustomFieldsHolder" => array:1 [ …1]
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 3
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserProfile"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:1 [ …1]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    126734 => UserProfile {#410
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#241}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 12
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserProfile"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:17 [ …17]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => array:2 [
    0 => UserPrivacy {#244
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#243
    +shortName: "XF:UserPrivacy"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_user_privacy"
    +primaryKey: "user_id"
    +columns: array:6 [
    "user_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "allow_view_profile" => array:4 [ …4]
    "allow_post_profile" => array:4 [ …4]
    "allow_send_personal_conversation" => array:4 [ …4]
    "allow_view_identities" => array:4 [ …4]
    "allow_receive_news_feed" => array:4 [ …4]
    +relations: array:1 [
    "User" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: []
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: []
    +behaviors: array:1 [
    "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:1 [ …1]
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 4
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:1 [ …1]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    126734 => UserPrivacy {#409
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#243}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 11
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:6 [ …6]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
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    Shitet: Super Apartament 2+1 (Shkolla E Kuqe - Siper Pazarit Te Ri) 💥 Me Hipotekë 💥 | Ndertim Qe Mbaron Në Mars 2024, Pallat 4 Katësh, 2 Hyrje Në Kat & Ashensor Modern | Mundësi Extra Blerje Garazh | Cilësi E Lartë Ndërtimi | Dorëzohet Me Parket Ac5 Dhe Dyer / Dritare , Instalime Premium Inkaso, instalime elektrike Gjermane, Sistem Kapot Etj.\n
    *** Apartamenti mund te Blihet me Kredi nga cfaredolloj banke, pasi eshte me Certifikate prenesie !!! ***\n
    Te Dhenat E Ndarjes:\n
    - 2 Dhoma Gjumi\n
    - 1 Sallon + 1 Kuzhine\n
    - 1 Tualet \n
    - 1 Ballkon \n
    - Sip Totale: 84.5m2\n
    - Sip Neto: 70.5m2 \n
    - Kati:2\n
    - Katet E Pallatit: 4\n
    - Pallat I Ri\n
    - Viti I Ndertimit: 2023\n
    - Ashensor: Po \n
    Karakteristika: \n
    Super Apartament 1+1+1 Ballkon, Mbaron Në Mars 2024 Pallat 4 Katësh 2 Hyrje Në Kat Afër Shkollës Së Kuqe, Rruga Dervish Hekali \n
    - Ka Dhe Mundësi Extra Blerje Garazh\n
    - Cilësi E Lartë Ndërtimi\n
    - Dorëzohet Me Parket Ac5 \n
    - Me Dyer Dritare \n
    - Ashensor Modern 4 Vëndsh \n
    - Shumë Qetësi Pasi Ka Pak Hyrje Në Total 9 Më Kat Janë Vetëm 2 Hyrje\n
    Extra: \n
    - Në Super Vendodhe Afër Qendrës , Gjimnazit Partizani\n
    - Afër Pazarit Të Ri\n
    - Dalje Në Unazë\n
    Ka Mundësi Blerje Parkimi Me Çmim Extra\n
    * Nxitoni ** Është Një Super Mundësi Me Çmim oferte, + Me Hipotekë ***\n
    Cmimi: 147,875 Euro\n
    Tel Ose Whatsapp: 0692448606
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    #_values: array:12 [ …12]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    288269 => AttachmentData {#286
    #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1]
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#407}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 18
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:12 [ …12]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    288270 => AttachmentData {#288
    #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1]
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#407}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 20
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:12 [ …12]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    322850 => AttachmentData {#290
    #_getterCache: array:1 [ …1]
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#407}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 22
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:12 [ …12]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment" => array:4 [
    1652116 => Attachment {#285
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#408
    +shortName: "XF:Attachment"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_attachment"
    +primaryKey: "attachment_id"
    +columns: array:8 [
    "attachment_id" => array:3 [ …3]
    "data_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "content_type" => array:4 [ …4]
    "content_id" => array:3 [ …3]
    "attach_date" => array:3 [ …3]
    "temp_hash" => array:3 [ …3]
    "unassociated" => array:2 [ …2]
    "view_count" => array:4 [ …4]
    +relations: array:1 [
    "Data" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: array:17 [
    "Container" => true
    "handler" => true
    "filename" => array:2 [ …2]
    "extension" => array:2 [ …2]
    "file_size" => array:2 [ …2]
    "has_thumbnail" => array:2 [ …2]
    "thumbnail_url" => array:2 [ …2]
    "thumbnail_url_full" => array:2 [ …2]
    "is_video" => array:2 [ …2]
    "is_audio" => array:2 [ …2]
    "icon" => array:2 [ …2]
    "direct_url" => array:2 [ …2]
    "type_grouping" => array:2 [ …2]
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    "height" => array:2 [ …2]
    "thumbnail_width" => array:2 [ …2]
    "thumbnail_height" => array:2 [ …2]
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    0 => "Data"
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    +behaviors: []
    +columnAliases: []
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    "api" => []
    "embed" => []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
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    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:8 [ …8]
    #_relations: array:1 [ …1]
    #_previousValues: []
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    #_deleted: false
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    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    1652117 => Attachment {#287
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#408}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 19
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Attachment"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:8 [ …8]
    #_relations: array:1 [ …1]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    1652118 => Attachment {#289
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#408}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 21
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    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:8 [ …8]
    #_relations: array:1 [ …1]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
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    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
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    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    1693276 => Attachment {#291
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#408}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 23
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Attachment"
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    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:8 [ …8]
    #_relations: array:1 [ …1]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package" => array:3 [
    1 => Package {#322
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:1 [ …1]
    #_structure: Structure {#318
    +shortName: "Siropu\AdsManager:Package"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_siropu_ads_manager_package"
    +primaryKey: "package_id"
    +columns: array:35 [
    "package_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "type" => array:2 [ …2]
    "title" => array:3 [ …3]
    "description" => array:2 [ …2]
    "guidelines" => array:2 [ …2]
    "position" => array:2 [ …2]
    "cost_amount" => array:2 [ …2]
    "cost_custom" => array:2 [ …2]
    "cost_currency" => array:2 [ …2]
    "cost_per" => array:3 [ …3]
    "cost_exclusive" => array:2 [ …2]
    "cost_sticky" => array:2 [ …2]
    "min_purchase" => array:2 [ …2]
    "max_purchase" => array:2 [ …2]
    "discount" => array:2 [ …2]
    "ad_allowed_limit" => array:2 [ …2]
    "ad_display_limit" => array:2 [ …2]
    "ad_display_order" => array:3 [ …3]
    "content" => array:2 [ …2]
    "settings" => array:2 [ …2]
    "position_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "user_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "page_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "device_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "geo_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "advertiser_user_groups" => array:2 [ …2]
    "advertiser_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "advertiser_purchase_limit" => array:2 [ …2]
    "advertiser_purchase_limit_groups" => array:2 [ …2]
    "preview" => array:3 [ …3]
    "advertise_here" => array:2 [ …2]
    "display_order" => array:2 [ …2]
    "placeholder_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "ad_count" => array:2 [ …2]
    "empty_slot_count" => array:2 [ …2]
    +relations: array:2 [
    "Placeholder" => array:3 [ …3]
    "Ads" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: array:3 [
    "carousel_settings" => false
    "cost" => false
    "cost_per_phrase" => false
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: []
    +behaviors: []
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
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    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:35 [ …35]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
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    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
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    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    2 => Package {#446
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:1 [ …1]
    #_structure: Structure {#318}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 31
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:35 [ …35]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    3 => Package {#453
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:1 [ …1]
    #_structure: Structure {#318}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 49
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:35 [ …35]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad" => array:11 [
    1 => Ad {#444
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
    #_structure: Structure {#316
    +shortName: "Siropu\AdsManager:Ad"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_siropu_ads_manager_ad"
    +primaryKey: "ad_id"
    +columns: array:36 [
    "ad_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "package_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "inherit_package" => array:2 [ …2]
    "type" => array:2 [ …2]
    "user_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "username" => array:2 [ …2]
    "name" => array:3 [ …3]
    "position" => array:2 [ …2]
    "content_1" => array:2 [ …2]
    "content_2" => array:2 [ …2]
    "content_3" => array:2 [ …2]
    "content_4" => array:2 [ …2]
    "title" => array:3 [ …3]
    "item_array" => array:2 [ …2]
    "banner_file" => array:2 [ …2]
    "banner_url" => array:2 [ …2]
    "target_url" => array:4 [ …4]
    "item_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "create_date" => array:2 [ …2]
    "start_date" => array:2 [ …2]
    "end_date" => array:2 [ …2]
    "view_limit" => array:2 [ …2]
    "daily_view_limit" => array:2 [ …2]
    "click_limit" => array:2 [ …2]
    "display_order" => array:2 [ …2]
    "display_priority" => array:2 [ …2]
    "settings" => array:2 [ …2]
    "position_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "user_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "page_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "device_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "geo_criteria" => array:2 [ …2]
    "view_count" => array:2 [ …2]
    "click_count" => array:2 [ …2]
    "ctr" => array:2 [ …2]
    "status" => array:2 [ …2]
    +relations: array:9 [
    "Extra" => array:4 [ …4]
    "Package" => array:4 [ …4]
    "Invoices" => array:3 [ …3]
    "User" => array:4 [ …4]
    "Thread" => array:3 [ …3]
    "Resource" => array:3 [ …3]
    "Forum" => array:3 [ …3]
    "MasterTemplate" => array:3 [ …3]
    "ClickFraud" => array:3 [ …3]
    +getters: array:11 [
    "attributes" => false
    "email_inline_style" => false
    "link_attributes" => false
    "popup_content" => false
    "background_data" => false
    "width_height" => false
    "banner" => false
    "banners" => false
    "code" => false
    "description" => false
    "callback" => false
    +defaultWith: array:1 [
    0 => "Package"
    +options: array:2 [
    "admin_edit" => true
    "process_queue" => false
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    "Siropu\AdsManager:ExtraUpdatable" => []
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 26
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
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    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
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    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    2 => Ad {#445
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 29
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    3 => Ad {#447
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 32
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    4 => Ad {#448
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 35
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    5 => Ad {#449
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 38
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    6 => Ad {#450
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 41
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    8 => Ad {#451
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 44
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    16 => Ad {#452
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 47
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    17 => Ad {#454
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:7 [ …7]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 50
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    19 => Ad {#455
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:7 [ …7]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 53
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    20 => Ad {#456
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: array:7 [ …7]
    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 56
    #rootClass: "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:36 [ …36]
    #_relations: array:2 [ …2]
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail" => array:1 [
    685704 => Thumbnail {#576
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#579
    +shortName: "DC\Thumbnail:Thumbnail"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_dcThumbnail_thumbnail"
    +primaryKey: "thread_id"
    +columns: array:5 [
    "thread_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "thumbnail_url" => array:2 [ …2]
    "upload_url" => array:2 [ …2]
    "is_video" => array:2 [ …2]
    "thumbnail_date" => array:2 [ …2]
    +relations: array:1 [
    "Thread" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: []
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: []
    +behaviors: []
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 57
    #rootClass: "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:5 [ …5]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    #structures: array:18 [
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User" => Structure {#236}
    "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => Structure {#237}
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => Structure {#239}
    "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => Structure {#241}
    "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => Structure {#243}
    "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread" => Structure {#258}
    "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum" => Structure {#266}
    "XF\Entity\Node" => Structure {#268}
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => Structure {#270
    +shortName: "XF:PermissionCacheContent"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_permission_cache_content"
    +primaryKey: array:3 [
    0 => "permission_combination_id"
    1 => "content_type"
    2 => "content_id"
    +columns: array:4 [
    "permission_combination_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "content_type" => array:3 [ …3]
    "content_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "cache_value" => array:2 [ …2]
    +relations: []
    +getters: []
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: []
    +behaviors: []
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    "XF\Entity\Post" => Structure {#385}
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => Structure {#378
    +shortName: "XF:PermissionCombination"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_permission_combination"
    +primaryKey: "permission_combination_id"
    +columns: array:4 [
    "permission_combination_id" => array:3 [ …3]
    "user_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "user_group_list" => array:3 [ …3]
    "cache_value" => array:2 [ …2]
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    Cmimi Euro

    147875 €

    Shitet: Super Apartament 2+1 (Shkolla E Kuqe - Siper Pazarit Te Ri) Me Hipotekë | Ndertim Qe Mbaron Në Mars 2024, Pallat 4 Katësh, 2 Hyrje Në Kat & Ashensor Modern | Mundësi Extra Blerje Garazh | Cilësi E Lartë Ndërtimi | Dorëzohet Me Parket Ac5 Dhe Dyer / Dritare , Instalime Premium Inkaso, instalime elektrike Gjermane, Sistem Kapot Etj.

    *** Apartamenti mund te Blihet me Kredi nga cfaredolloj banke, pasi eshte me Certifikate prenesie !!! ***


    Te Dhenat E Ndarjes:

    - 2 Dhoma Gjumi
    - 1 Sallon + 1 Kuzhine
    - 1 Tualet
    - 1 Ballkon

    - Sip Totale: 84.5m2
    - Sip Neto: 70.5m2
    - Kati:2
    - Katet E Pallatit: 4
    - Pallat I Ri
    - Viti I Ndertimit: 2023
    - Ashensor: Po


    Super Apartament 1+1+1 Ballkon, Mbaron Në Mars 2024 Pallat 4 Katësh 2 Hyrje Në Kat Afër Shkollës Së Kuqe, Rruga Dervish Hekali

    - Ka Dhe Mundësi Extra Blerje Garazh
    - Cilësi E Lartë Ndërtimi
    - Dorëzohet Me Parket Ac5
    - Me Dyer Dritare
    - Ashensor Modern 4 Vëndsh
    - Shumë Qetësi Pasi Ka Pak Hyrje Në Total 9 Më Kat Janë Vetëm 2 Hyrje


    - Në Super Vendodhe Afër Qendrës , Gjimnazit Partizani
    - Afër Pazarit Të Ri
    - Dalje Në Unazë

    Ka Mundësi Blerje Parkimi Me Çmim Extra

    * Nxitoni ** Është Një Super Mundësi Me Çmim oferte, + Me Hipotekë ***

    Cmimi: 147,875 Euro

    Tel Ose Whatsapp: 0692448606


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    "TitleTemplate" => array:4 [
    "entity" => "DC\ForumTemplate:TitleTemplate"
    "type" => 1
    "conditions" => array:1 [
    0 => array:3 [ …3]
    "primary" => true
    "FooterTemplate" => array:4 [
    "entity" => "DC\ForumTemplate:FooterTemplate"
    "type" => 1
    "conditions" => array:1 [
    0 => array:3 [ …3]
    "primary" => true
    "ThreadCache" => array:4 [
    "entity" => "DC\ThreadFilter:Thread"
    "type" => 1
    "conditions" => "thread_id"
    "primary" => true
    +getters: array:10 [
    "draft_reply" => true
    "post_ids" => true
    "last_post_cache" => true
    "custom_fields" => true
    "cover_image" => true
    "TypeHandler" => array:3 [
    "cache" => true
    "getter" => "getTypeHandler"
    "invalidate" => array:2 [
    0 => "discussion_type"
    1 => "node_id"
    "type_data" => array:3 [
    "cache" => true
    "getter" => "getTypeData"
    "invalidate" => array:2 [
    0 => "discussion_type"
    1 => "node_id"
    "vote_score_short" => false
    "phone_number" => array:2 [
    "getter" => "getPhoneNumber"
    "cache" => true
    "email" => array:2 [
    "getter" => "getEmail"
    "cache" => true
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: array:1 [
    "log_moderator" => true
    +behaviors: array:7 [
    "XF:ContentVotable" => array:1 [
    "stateField" => "discussion_state"
    "XF:ContentVotableContainer" => array:3 [
    "childContentType" => "post"
    "childIds" => Closure {#259
    class: "XF\Entity\Thread"
    parameters: { …1}
    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1621 to 1621"
    "stateField" => "discussion_state"
    "XF:Taggable" => array:1 [
    "stateField" => "discussion_state"
    "XF:Indexable" => array:1 [
    "checkForUpdates" => array:7 [
    0 => "title"
    1 => "node_id"
    2 => "user_id"
    3 => "prefix_id"
    4 => "tags"
    5 => "discussion_state"
    6 => "first_post_id"
    "XF:IndexableContainer" => array:3 [
    "childContentType" => "post"
    "childIds" => Closure {#261
    class: "XF\Entity\Thread"
    parameters: { …1}
    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1630 to 1630"
    "checkForUpdates" => array:3 [
    0 => "node_id"
    1 => "discussion_state"
    2 => "prefix_id"
    "XF:NewsFeedPublishable" => array:2 [
    "usernameField" => "username"
    "dateField" => "post_date"
    "XF:CustomFieldsHolder" => array:3 [
    "valueTable" => "xf_thread_field_value"
    "checkForUpdates" => array:1 [
    0 => "node_id"
    "getAllowedFields" => Closure {#260
    class: "XF\Entity\Thread"
    parameters: { …1}
    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1640 to 1640"
    +columnAliases: array:1 [
    "first_post_likes" => "first_post_reaction_score"
    +withAliases: array:3 [
    "full" => array:3 [
    0 => "User"
    1 => "LastPoster"
    2 => Closure {#262
    class: "XF\Entity\Thread"
    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1799 to 1812"
    "fullForum" => array:2 [
    0 => "full"
    1 => Closure {#263
    class: "XF\Entity\Thread"
    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1816 to 1828"
    "api" => array:3 [
    0 => "Forum.api"
    1 => "User.api"
    2 => Closure {#264
    class: "XF\Entity\Thread"
    file: "/pages/f6/79/d0016806/home/htdocs/src/XF/Entity/Thread.php"
    line: "1833 to 1849"
    #_em: Manager {#233
    #db: Adapter {#222
    #statementClass: "XF\Db\Mysqli\Statement"
    #config: array:5 [
    "host" => "localhost"
    "port" => "3306"
    "username" => "dbo00111422"
    "password" => "paganini2004db1968"
    "dbname" => "db00111422"
    #fullUnicode: true
    #inTransaction: false
    #savePointCounter: 0
    #savePoints: []
    #queryCount: 13
    #logQueries: false
    #logSimpleOnly: null
    #queryLog: []
    #ignoreLegacyTableWriteError: false
    #schemaManager: null
    #connection: mysqli {#223}
    #valueFormatter: ValueFormatter {#234}
    #extension: Extension {#224
    #listeners: array:9 [
    "app_setup" => array:1 [
    "_" => array:3 [ …3]
    "criteria_page" => array:1 [
    "_" => array:1 [ …1]
    "criteria_user" => array:1 [
    "_" => array:1 [ …1]
    "entity_pre_save" => array:2 [
    "XFRM\Entity\ResourceItem" => array:1 [ …1]
    "XF\Entity\Thread" => array:1 [ …1]
    "entity_structure" => array:1 [
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => array:1 [ …1]
    "import_importer_classes" => array:1 [
    "_" => array:1 [ …1]
    "templater_global_data" => array:1 [
    "_" => array:1 [ …1]
    "templater_macro_post_render" => array:1 [
    "public:siropu_ads_manager_ad_macros:ad_unit" => array:1 [ …1]
    "templater_setup" => array:1 [
    "_" => array:2 [ …2]
    #classExtensions: array:29 [
    "XF\Mvc\Router" => array:1 [
    0 => "XF301VB\Mvc\Router"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Post" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\BookmarkTool\XF\Pub\Controller\Post"
    "XF\Entity\Forum" => array:4 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Entity\Forum"
    1 => "DC\CompanyLogo\XF\Entity\Forum"
    2 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Entity\Forum"
    3 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum"
    "XF\Entity\Thread" => array:4 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Entity\Thread"
    1 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Entity\Thread"
    2 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Entity\Thread"
    3 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread"
    "XF\Finder\Thread" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Finder\Thread"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\FindThreads" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Pub\Controller\FindThreads"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Forum" => array:4 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum"
    1 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum"
    2 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum"
    3 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" => array:4 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    1 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    2 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    3 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    "XF\Service\Thread\Editor" => array:3 [
    0 => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Service\Thread\Editor"
    1 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Service\Thread\Editor"
    2 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Service\Thread\Editor"
    "XF\Entity\User" => array:3 [
    0 => "DC\CompanyLogo\XF\Entity\User"
    1 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Entity\User"
    2 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Account" => array:2 [
    0 => "DC\CompanyLogo\XF\Pub\Controller\Account"
    1 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\Account"
    "XF\Admin\Controller\ThreadField" => array:2 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Admin\Controller\ThreadFi eld"
    1 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Admin\Controller\ThreadFie ld"
    "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" => array:2 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html"
    1 => "DC\ImageView\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html"
    "XF\CustomField\Set" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\CustomField\Set"
    "XF\Entity\ThreadField" => array:2 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Entity\ThreadField"
    1 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Entity\ThreadField"
    "XF\Service\Thread\Creator" => array:3 [
    0 => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\Service\Thread\Creator"
    1 => "DC\ThreadFilter\XF\Service\Thread\Creator"
    2 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Service\Thread\Creator"
    "XF\Entity\Attachment" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment"
    "XF\Entity\BookmarkItem" => array:1 [
    0 => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\BookmarkItem"
    "XFRM\Pub\Controller\ResourceItem" => array:1 [
    0 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XFRM\Pub\Controller\ResourceIte m"
    "XF\Criteria\Page" => array:1 [
    0 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Criteria\Page"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\InlineMod" => array:1 [
    0 => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\InlineMod "
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Login" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Pub\Controller\Login"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Logout" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Pub\Controller\Logout"
    "XF\Repository\Conversation" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Conversation"
    "XF\Repository\Forum" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Forum"
    "XF\Repository\Ip" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Ip"
    "XF\Repository\SessionActivity" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Repository\Thread" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Thread"
    "XF\Repository\UserAlert" => array:1 [
    0 => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert"
    #extensionMap: array:73 [
    "XF\AddOn\Manager" => "XF\AddOn\Manager"
    "XF\Session\Session" => "XF\Session\Session"
    "XF\InputFilterer" => "XF\InputFilterer"
    "XF\Repository\User" => "XF\Repository\User"
    "XF\Entity\User" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User"
    "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth"
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption"
    "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => "XF\Entity\UserProfile"
    "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
    "XF\Language" => "XF\Language"
    "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" => "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher"
    "XF\Mvc\Router" => "XF301VB\Mvc\Router"
    "XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    "XF\Entity\Thread" => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread"
    "XF\Finder\Thread" => "DC\BumpThread\XF\Finder\Thread"
    "XF\Entity\Forum" => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum"
    "XF\Entity\Node" => "XF\Entity\Node"
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF\ControllerPlugin\Node" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\Node"
    "XF\ThreadType\Discussion" => "XF\ThreadType\Discussion"
    "XF\Repository\Thread" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Thread"
    "XF\ControllerPlugin\Thread" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\Thread"
    "XF\Str\Formatter" => "XF\Str\Formatter"
    "XF\Repository\Post" => "XF\Repository\Post"
    "XF\Entity\Post" => "XF\Entity\Post"
    "XF\Finder\Post" => "XF\Finder\Post"
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination"
    "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Repository\Attachment" => "XF\Repository\Attachment"
    "XF\Entity\Attachment" => "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment"
    "XF\Finder\Attachment" => "XF\Finder\Attachment"
    "XF\Entity\AttachmentData" => "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    "XF\Data\Robot" => "XF\Data\Robot"
    "XF\Repository\Unfurl" => "XF\Repository\Unfurl"
    "XF\Repository\UserAlert" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert"
    "XF\Repository\ThreadType" => "XF\Repository\ThreadType"
    "XF\ForumType\Discussion" => "XF\ForumType\Discussion"
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    "XF\Style" => "XF\Style"
    "XF\Template\Templater" => "XF\Template\Templater"
    "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" => "XF\SubContainer\BbCode"
    "XF\SubContainer\Widget" => "XF\SubContainer\Widget"
    "DC\CompanyLogo\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "DC\CompanyLogo\Template\TemplaterSetup"
    "XF\CookieConsent" => "XF\CookieConsent"
    "XF\Captcha\ReCaptcha" => "XF\Captcha\ReCaptcha"
    "XF\Repository\Payment" => "XF\Repository\Payment"
    "XF\Payment\PayPal" => "XF\Payment\PayPal"
    "XF\SimpleCache" => "XF\SimpleCache"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Template\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Template\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Repository\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Repository\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Finder\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Finder\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    "XF\Entity\Template" => "XF\Entity\Template"
    "XF\Criteria\User" => "XF\Criteria\User"
    "XF\Criteria\Page" => "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Criteria\Page"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Criteria\Position" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Criteria\Position"
    "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" => "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html"
    "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" => "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View"
    "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Thread" => "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Thread"
    "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Time" => "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Time"
    "XF\CustomField\Set" => "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\CustomField\Set"
    "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" => "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet"
    "XF\Debugger" => "XF\Debugger"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Finder\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Finder\Thumbnail"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Repository\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Repository\Thumbnail"
    "XF\CustomField\Definition" => "XF\CustomField\Definition"
    "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter" => "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter"
    "XF\BbCode\Parser" => "XF\BbCode\Parser"
    "XF\BbCode\RuleSet" => "XF\BbCode\RuleSet"
    "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" => "DC\ImageView\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html"
    #inverseExtensionMap: array:73 [
    "XF\AddOn\Manager" => "XF\AddOn\Manager"
    "XF\Session\Session" => "XF\Session\Session"
    "XF\InputFilterer" => "XF\InputFilterer"
    "XF\Repository\User" => "XF\Repository\User"
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User" => "XF\Entity\User"
    "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth"
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption"
    "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => "XF\Entity\UserProfile"
    "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
    "XF\Language" => "XF\Language"
    "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher" => "XF\Mvc\Dispatcher"
    "XF301VB\Mvc\Router" => "XF\Mvc\Router"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Pub\Controller\Thread" => "XF\Pub\Controller\Thread"
    "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread" => "XF\Entity\Thread"
    "DC\BumpThread\XF\Finder\Thread" => "XF\Finder\Thread"
    "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum" => "XF\Entity\Forum"
    "XF\Entity\Node" => "XF\Entity\Node"
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Finder\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF\ControllerPlugin\Node" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\Node"
    "XF\ThreadType\Discussion" => "XF\ThreadType\Discussion"
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\Thread" => "XF\Repository\Thread"
    "XF\ControllerPlugin\Thread" => "XF\ControllerPlugin\Thread"
    "XF\Str\Formatter" => "XF\Str\Formatter"
    "XF\Repository\Post" => "XF\Repository\Post"
    "XF\Entity\Post" => "XF\Entity\Post"
    "XF\Finder\Post" => "XF\Finder\Post"
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination"
    "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Repository\Attachment" => "XF\Repository\Attachment"
    "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment" => "XF\Entity\Attachment"
    "XF\Finder\Attachment" => "XF\Finder\Attachment"
    "XF\Entity\AttachmentData" => "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    "XF\Data\Robot" => "XF\Data\Robot"
    "XF\Repository\Unfurl" => "XF\Repository\Unfurl"
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\UserAlert" => "XF\Repository\UserAlert"
    "XF\Repository\ThreadType" => "XF\Repository\ThreadType"
    "XF\ForumType\Discussion" => "XF\ForumType\Discussion"
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Repository\SessionActivity" => "XF\Repository\SessionActivity"
    "XF\Style" => "XF\Style"
    "XF\Template\Templater" => "XF\Template\Templater"
    "XF\SubContainer\BbCode" => "XF\SubContainer\BbCode"
    "XF\SubContainer\Widget" => "XF\SubContainer\Widget"
    "DC\CompanyLogo\Template\TemplaterSetup" => "DC\CompanyLogo\Template\TemplaterSetup"
    "XF\CookieConsent" => "XF\CookieConsent"
    "XF\Captcha\ReCaptcha" => "XF\Captcha\ReCaptcha"
    "XF\Repository\Payment" => "XF\Repository\Payment"
    "XF\Payment\PayPal" => "XF\Payment\PayPal"
    "XF\SimpleCache" => "XF\SimpleCache"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Template\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Template\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Repository\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Repository\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Finder\Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Finder\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    "XF\Entity\Template" => "XF\Entity\Template"
    "XF\Criteria\User" => "XF\Criteria\User"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\XF\Criteria\Page" => "XF\Criteria\Page"
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Criteria\Position" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Criteria\Position"
    "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html" => "XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html"
    "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View" => "XF\Pub\View\Thread\View"
    "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Thread" => "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Thread"
    "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Time" => "DC\BumpThread\Repository\Time"
    "DC\ForumTemplate\XF\CustomField\Set" => "XF\CustomField\Set"
    "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet" => "XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet"
    "XF\Debugger" => "XF\Debugger"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Finder\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Finder\Thumbnail"
    "DC\Thumbnail\Repository\Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Repository\Thumbnail"
    "XF\CustomField\Definition" => "XF\CustomField\Definition"
    "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter" => "XF\Str\EmojiFormatter"
    "XF\BbCode\Parser" => "XF\BbCode\Parser"
    "XF\BbCode\RuleSet" => "XF\BbCode\RuleSet"
    "DC\ImageView\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html" => "XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html"
    #entityClassNameMap: array:18 [
    "XF:User" => "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User"
    "XF:UserAuth" => "XF\Entity\UserAuth"
    "XF:UserOption" => "XF\Entity\UserOption"
    "XF:UserProfile" => "XF\Entity\UserProfile"
    "XF:UserPrivacy" => "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy"
    "XF:Thread" => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread"
    "XF:Forum" => "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum"
    "XF:Node" => "XF\Entity\Node"
    "XF:PermissionCacheContent" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent"
    "XF:Post" => "XF\Entity\Post"
    "XF:PermissionCombination" => "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination"
    "XF:SessionActivity" => "XF\Entity\SessionActivity"
    "XF:Attachment" => "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment"
    "XF:AttachmentData" => "XF\Entity\AttachmentData"
    "Siropu\AdsManager:Ad" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad"
    "Siropu\AdsManager:Package" => "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package"
    "XF:Template" => "XF\Entity\Template"
    "DC\Thumbnail:Thumbnail" => "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail"
    #entities: array:15 [
    "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => array:1 [
    0 => UserAuth {#238
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#237
    +shortName: "XF:UserAuth"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_user_authenticate"
    +primaryKey: "user_id"
    +columns: array:3 [
    "user_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "scheme_class" => array:3 [ …3]
    "data" => array:2 [ …2]
    +relations: array:1 [
    "User" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: []
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: []
    +behaviors: array:1 [
    "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:2 [ …2]
    +columnAliases: []
    +withAliases: []
    #_em: Manager {#233}
    -_uniqueEntityId: 1
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\UserAuth"
    #_useReplaceInto: false
    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:1 [ …1]
    #_relations: []
    #_previousValues: []
    #_options: []
    #_deleted: false
    #_readOnly: false
    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
    #_behaviors: null
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => array:2 [
    0 => UserOption {#240
    #_getterCache: []
    #_valueCache: []
    #_structure: Structure {#239
    +shortName: "XF:UserOption"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_user_option"
    +primaryKey: "user_id"
    +columns: array:14 [
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    "show_dob_date" => array:2 [ …2]
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    "receive_admin_email" => array:2 [ …2]
    "email_on_conversation" => array:2 [ …2]
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    "is_discouraged" => array:2 [ …2]
    "creation_watch_state" => array:3 [ …3]
    "interaction_watch_state" => array:3 [ …3]
    "alert_optout" => array:4 [ …4]
    "push_optout" => array:4 [ …4]
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    "siropu_ads_manager_view_ads" => array:3 [ …3]
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    "AlertOptOut" => array:3 [ …3]
    "PushOptOut" => array:3 [ …3]
    "User" => array:4 [ …4]
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    126734 => UserOption {#411
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    #_em: Manager {#233}
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    "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => array:2 [
    0 => UserProfile {#242
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    "dob_month" => array:3 [ …3]
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    "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:1 [ …1]
    "XF:CustomFieldsHolder" => array:1 [ …1]
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    126734 => UserProfile {#410
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    0 => UserPrivacy {#244
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    "XF:ChangeLoggable" => array:1 [ …1]
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    126734 => UserPrivacy {#409
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    #_em: Manager {#233}
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    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User" => array:1 [
    126734 => User {#392
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    "PermissionSet" => PermissionSet {#722
    #permCache: PermissionCache {#256 …4}
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    0 => 12
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    4 => Node {#271
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    Shitet: Super Apartament 2+1 (Shkolla E Kuqe - Siper Pazarit Te Ri) 💥 Me Hipotekë 💥 | Ndertim Qe Mbaron Në Mars 2024, Pallat 4 Katësh, 2 Hyrje Në Kat & Ashensor Modern | Mundësi Extra Blerje Garazh | Cilësi E Lartë Ndërtimi | Dorëzohet Me Parket Ac5 Dhe Dyer / Dritare , Instalime Premium Inkaso, instalime elektrike Gjermane, Sistem Kapot Etj.\n
    *** Apartamenti mund te Blihet me Kredi nga cfaredolloj banke, pasi eshte me Certifikate prenesie !!! ***\n
    Te Dhenat E Ndarjes:\n
    - 2 Dhoma Gjumi\n
    - 1 Sallon + 1 Kuzhine\n
    - 1 Tualet \n
    - 1 Ballkon \n
    - Sip Totale: 84.5m2\n
    - Sip Neto: 70.5m2 \n
    - Kati:2\n
    - Katet E Pallatit: 4\n
    - Pallat I Ri\n
    - Viti I Ndertimit: 2023\n
    - Ashensor: Po \n
    Karakteristika: \n
    Super Apartament 1+1+1 Ballkon, Mbaron Në Mars 2024 Pallat 4 Katësh 2 Hyrje Në Kat Afër Shkollës Së Kuqe, Rruga Dervish Hekali \n
    - Ka Dhe Mundësi Extra Blerje Garazh\n
    - Cilësi E Lartë Ndërtimi\n
    - Dorëzohet Me Parket Ac5 \n
    - Me Dyer Dritare \n
    - Ashensor Modern 4 Vëndsh \n
    - Shumë Qetësi Pasi Ka Pak Hyrje Në Total 9 Më Kat Janë Vetëm 2 Hyrje\n
    Extra: \n
    - Në Super Vendodhe Afër Qendrës , Gjimnazit Partizani\n
    - Afër Pazarit Të Ri\n
    - Dalje Në Unazë\n
    Ka Mundësi Blerje Parkimi Me Çmim Extra\n
    * Nxitoni ** Është Një Super Mundësi Me Çmim oferte, + Me Hipotekë ***\n
    Cmimi: 147,875 Euro\n
    Tel Ose Whatsapp: 0692448606
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    5 => Ad {#449
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    6 => Ad {#450
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    8 => Ad {#451
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    #_behaviors: null
    16 => Ad {#452
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    #_valueCache: array:3 [ …3]
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    -_uniqueEntityId: 47
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    #_behaviors: null
    17 => Ad {#454
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    #_structure: Structure {#316}
    #_em: Manager {#233}
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    19 => Ad {#455
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    20 => Ad {#456
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    "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail" => array:1 [
    685704 => Thumbnail {#576
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    "upload_url" => array:2 [ …2]
    "is_video" => array:2 [ …2]
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    "Thread" => array:4 [ …4]
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    +options: []
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    #_em: Manager {#233}
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    #rootClass: "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail"
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    #_previousValues: []
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    #_writePending: false
    #_writeRunning: false
    #_errors: []
    #_whenSaveable: []
    #_cascadeSave: []
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    #structures: array:18 [
    "xenMade\LAU\XF\Entity\User" => Structure {#236}
    "XF\Entity\UserAuth" => Structure {#237}
    "XF\Entity\UserOption" => Structure {#239}
    "XF\Entity\UserProfile" => Structure {#241}
    "XF\Entity\UserPrivacy" => Structure {#243}
    "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Thread" => Structure {#258}
    "DC\Thumbnail\XF\Entity\Forum" => Structure {#266}
    "XF\Entity\Node" => Structure {#268}
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCacheContent" => Structure {#270
    +shortName: "XF:PermissionCacheContent"
    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_permission_cache_content"
    +primaryKey: array:3 [
    0 => "permission_combination_id"
    1 => "content_type"
    2 => "content_id"
    +columns: array:4 [
    "permission_combination_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "content_type" => array:3 [ …3]
    "content_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "cache_value" => array:2 [ …2]
    +relations: []
    +getters: []
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: []
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    +withAliases: []
    "XF\Entity\Post" => Structure {#385}
    "XF\Entity\PermissionCombination" => Structure {#378
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    +contentType: null
    +table: "xf_permission_combination"
    +primaryKey: "permission_combination_id"
    +columns: array:4 [
    "permission_combination_id" => array:3 [ …3]
    "user_id" => array:2 [ …2]
    "user_group_list" => array:3 [ …3]
    "cache_value" => array:2 [ …2]
    +relations: array:2 [
    "User" => array:4 [ …4]
    "UserGroupRelations" => array:4 [ …4]
    +getters: []
    +defaultWith: []
    +options: array:1 [
    "rebuild_permission_cache" => true
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    +withAliases: []
    "XF\Entity\SessionActivity" => Structure {#377}
    "DC\ImageView\XF\Entity\Attachment" => Structure {#408}
    "XF\Entity\AttachmentData" => Structure {#407}
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Ad" => Structure {#316}
    "Siropu\AdsManager\Entity\Package" => Structure {#318}
    "XF\Entity\Template" => Structure {#319
    +shortName: "XF:Template"
    +contentType: null
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    "template_id" => array:3 [ …3]
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    "template_parsed" => array:2 [ …2]
    "addon_id" => array:3 [ …3]
    "version_id" => array:2 [ …2]
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    "last_edit_date" => array:2 [ …2]
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    "AddOn" => array:4 [ …4]
    "History" => array:3 [ …3]
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    "XFevOutputWritable" => []
    "XFesignerOutputWritable" => []
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    "DC\Thumbnail\Entity\Thumbnail" => Structure {#579}
    #repositories: array:13 [
    "XF:User" => User {#235
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:User"
    "XF:Thread" => Thread {#390
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:Thread"
    "XF:Post" => Post {#388
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:Post"
    "XF:Attachment" => Attachment {#376
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:Attachment"
    "XF:Unfurl" => Unfurl {#292
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:Unfurl"
    "XF:UserAlert" => UserAlert {#405
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:UserAlert"
    "XF:ThreadType" => ThreadType {#282
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:ThreadType"
    "XF:SessionActivity" => SessionActivity {#284
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:SessionActivity"
    "XF:Payment" => Payment {#312
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "XF:Payment"
    "Siropu\AdsManager:Ad" => Ad {#315
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "Siropu\AdsManager:Ad"
    "DC\BumpThread:Thread" => Thread {#362
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "DC\BumpThread:Thread"
    "DC\BumpThread:Time" => Time {#363
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "DC\BumpThread:Time"
    "DC\Thumbnail:Thumbnail" => Thumbnail {#594
    #em: Manager {#233}
    #identifier: "DC\Thumbnail:Thumbnail"
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    #cascadeEventDepth: []
    -_uniqueEntityId: 9
    #rootClass: "XF\Entity\Thread"
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    #_newValues: []
    #_values: array:28 [
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    #_whenSaveable: []
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    #_behaviors: null



    New Bllok - Real Estate
    Rr. Vaso Pasha, Bllok, Tirane
    [email protected]